Sunday, February 21, 2010

Trying to find out the Film Office budget

From: Cameron Bonsey []
Sent: Friday, July 31, 2009 2:05 PM
To: 'Girardin, Lea'; ''
Cc: ''
Subject: Film Office

Lea and John,

Is the film office staff down to one? What is the budget and the breakdown of the budget?

Yours truly,

Cameron Bonsey

From: Cameron Bonsey []
Sent: Tuesday, August 04, 2009 11:02 AM
To: 'Girardin, Lea'; ''
Cc: ''
Subject: RE: Film Office

Just a follow up. I haven’t heard anything.

From: Richardson, John []
Sent: Tuesday, August 04, 2009 4:09 PM
Subject: Re: Film Office

We are gathering the info. A response is forthcoming. Thanks for your patience.

From: Cameron Bonsey []
Sent: Tuesday, August 04, 2009 4:12 PM
To: 'Richardson, John'
Subject: RE: Film Office


From: Richardson, John []
Sent: Wednesday, August 12, 2009 1:57 PM
To: Cameron Bonsey
Subject: RE: Film Office

Please excuse the delayed response. I have had trouble with my blackberry lately.

Anyway, you are correct that the film office is down to one person. Actually, the film office per se has been assimilated into the Office of Tourism. Therefore, there is not a dedicated budget (besides salary) for the activities of the one staff person designated to work on film-related projects.

As you are aware, state government has had to make serious budgetary cuts. If you have further questions or suggestions, do not hesitate to contact me.

Thanks for your continued interest and dedication.


John Richardson
Dept. of Economic & Community Development

From: Cameron Bonsey []
Sent: Thursday, August 13, 2009 8:45 AM
To: 'Richardson, John'
Subject: RE: Film Office


Thank you for the response. You wrote to me on the 4th and said, “ We are gathering the info. A response is forthcoming. Thanks for your patience.”
Did this occur between the 4th and the 12th? It seems like there wasn’t any information that needed to be gathered.

We can simply accomplish more with better communication. I’ve had some amazing responses to my “Mentoring Ali” post and my “Making the Most of Maine’s Resources” post.

I’ll continue posting and following up. We have to look forward and use the tools that are available to us. I just don’t see that happening within the Film Office so I’ll continue to write and reach out to people who are willing to impact change.


From: Cameron Bonsey []
Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2009 6:37 PM
To: 'Richardson, John'
Subject: RE: Film Office

Just following up on my question “Did this occur between the 4th and the 12th?”

From: Richardson, John []
Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2009 7:11 PM
Subject: Re: Film Office

Cameron: we responded as soon as we could.. Short on staff and vacations in August prevented a quicker response. Also, the requested financial information needed to be reviewed by our financial analyst who was on vacation. We waited for her return so we could be as accurate as possible. Please forgive the time delay. We will attempt to do better. Thanks.

From: Cameron Bonsey []
Sent: Friday, August 21, 2009 11:25 AM
To: 'Richardson, John'
Subject: RE: Film Office


About a month ago Barney passed along the following information from:

I don’t want to waste your time and, just as importantly, I don’t want to waste my time. My desire is deep to make sure that we are doing everything we can to enhance the ability for both instate and out of state production to be made in Maine. What do these numbers mean?

What it used to be through this year...

I guess here is the 2009 after being adjusted...

Lea responds to a another email below

From: Girardin, Lea []
Sent: Thursday, September 03, 2009 9:19 AM
To: Cameron Bonsey; Richardson, John; Eltman, Pat
Subject: RE: Film Commissioners

Hello Cameron,

See information below regarding the Film Commission.

Wishing you a nice Labor Day Weekend,

From: Cameron Bonsey []
Sent: Thursday, September 03, 2009 11:33 AM
To: 'Girardin, Lea'; 'Richardson, John'; 'Eltman, Pat'
Subject: RE: Film Commissioners


Thank you. This is great. I appreciate it.

Is it possible to get the information below that I continue to request?

From: Cameron Bonsey []
Sent: Monday, September 14, 2009 6:31 AM
To: 'Girardin, Lea'; 'Eltman, Pat'; 'Richardson, John'
Subject: FW: Film Office Mandate

Dear Lea, Pat and John,

I continue to follow up with some very basic questions. Please scroll down to the August 14th email. These are not complicated questions.

I have actually combined a couple of emails strings in the email. I do this because I read through these to make sure that I am polite, forthright and not wasting valuable time for those that I am requesting the information from or my own value time. (Please note that I will follow up with another email string that went to John)


From: Girardin, Lea []
Sent: Monday, September 14, 2009 2:02 PM
To: Cameron Bonsey; Ben Fowlie; McNeil, Donna; Paul Doiron;; Tim Rhys;
Cc: Info, MaineArts; Louise Rosen; Louise Rosen; KaneLewis; Mark Ireland;; Dee Cooke;; Hanna Pingree; Packard, Dana; Packard, Dana;; Watson, RepThom; Tom Watson
Subject: RE: Marketing Independent Maine People and Businesses


Thanks for the added promotion.

I love the “Coast of Maine” compost bags.

Lea Girardin

From: Cameron Bonsey []
Sent: Monday, September 14, 2009 3:18 PM
To: 'Girardin, Lea'
Cc: 'Eltman, Pat'; 'Richardson, John'
Subject: RE: Marketing Independent Maine People and Businesses


This amazes me. I sent out the email below to you and the Maine film community as well Maine business leaders. You responded in 11 minutes. I’ve been trying for almost 2 months to get some basic information from you, John and Pat.

Why is it so difficult to get any follow up from the Film Office, The Office of Tourism and the DECD? Should I simply cc everyone who owns a business in Maine and maybe then I’ll get a response?



Lea sends a document

From: Cameron Bonsey []
Sent: Thursday, September 17, 2009 9:55 AM
To: 'Girardin, Lea'
Cc: 'Richardson, John'; 'Eltman, Pat'; 'Stevenson, Daniel'
Subject: RE: Untitled.PDF


This cut and copied PDF raises more questions than it answers. Back on July 31st I asked 2 very basis questions. “Is the film office staff down to one?” And “What is the budget and the breakdown of the budget.?”

There are other state film offices where I can simply click on the state click site find the following information:

Personal Services-Perm. Classi
Current Expenses
Organizational Dues
Promotional - Marketing Expenses
In-State Travel Reimbursement
Contracts for program services

This is what I am looking for.

John also stated that the information had to be reviewed by a financial analyst who was on vacation in August. The pdf you send looks to be something that was cut and copied from a document that was part of a BRED committee review and approval. Quite honestly, it is completely unprofessional.

It also shows an increase. Not a cut. How is that possible?


Please call me sometime. WE need to talk.


From: Richardson, John []
Sent: Thursday, September 17, 2009 10:32 AM
Subject: Re: Untitled.PDF

Cameron: the headcount is down to one employee. The budget which includes that one employee is funded thru the Tourism special revenue account. The tax credit is administered thru the Maine Revenue Service. I will instruct Daniel (Stevenson)to provide you with the subtotals of the budget.

From: Cameron Bonsey []
Sent: Thursday, September 17, 2009 11:45 AM
To: 'Richardson, John'
Subject: RE: Untitled.PDF


I’m not trying to waste your time. I should be able to get this information seamlessly without getting you involved. It is clear that there are employee performance issues, that have absolutely nothing to do any type of extraneous issues. The solution is simple. Let’s solve the problem and move forward with promoting Maine and its indigenous media industry.

By protecting one we are hurting many.


On 9-21-09

Daniel Stevenson calls to follow up. He indicates some issues with getting information from Lea. He also assures me that he will get the information.

From: Stevenson, Daniel []
Sent: Tuesday, September 22, 2009 9:01 AM
To: Cameron Bonsey
Subject: RE: Daniel Stevenson

Thanks, Cameron.

I will get back to you.

From: Cameron Bonsey []
Sent: Monday, November 16, 2009 8:01 AM
To: 'Stevenson, Daniel'
Subject: RE: Daniel Stevenson

Film Office Budget. Any news?

From: Cameron Bonsey []
Sent: Tuesday, December 08, 2009 7:49 AM
To: Lea Girardine (
Subject: Legislative wording


I was interviewed by Jennifer Rooks of Maine Watch yesterday. She mentioned that you were delivering new legislative wording to the state house yesterday. Was this wording related to LD1449?

Yours truly,

From: Girardin, Lea []
Sent: Tuesday, December 08, 2009 1:43 PM
Subject: FW: modified draft of production incentive bill
A draft was attached
Lea Girardin
Director, Maine Film Office
State House Station #59
Augusta, ME 04333-0059
207.624.9828 phone
From: Cameron Bonsey []
Sent: Wednesday, December 30, 2009 12:08 PM
To: 'Stevenson, Daniel'
Subject: RE: Daniel Stevenson


I still haven’t heard from you in regard to the film office budget. I know there are hearings for Governor's Supplemental Budget Bill for Fiscal Years 2010-2011 over the next 2 weeks. Below is the info in regard to the film office. What is there overall budget breakdown? I’ve only been asking for this since 7-31-09.

2009-10 2010-11
Personal Services (15,359)
Total (15,359) 0
Initiative: Reduces funding for unemployment compensation benefits.
2009-10 2010-11
Personal Services (15,359)
Total (15,359) 0

From: Cameron Bonsey []
Sent: Monday, January 04, 2010 3:12 PM
To: 'Lea Girardin';


I never received any follow up in regard to the note below. I did receive this information from Emily Cain.

“I looked up the proposal for the Maine State Film Office for you. It is on page A-39 of the draft bill, available at in Part A.

The proposal reduces MSFO funding by $15,359 in their Personal Services Account (salaries & benefits) for unemployment compensation benefits.

What this means is that the funds are not being reduced from their normal operating budget, but rather from their personal services line which probably means that there is a position that is unfilled. I can't speak to specifics because we haven't had the hearing yet, but I imagine that you could probably call someone you know over there and find out ahead of next week.”

I have been trying since 7-31-09 to get Film Office budget figures. One document that you sent on 9-17-09 indicates the FO budget increasing to $212,663 on 2010-11.

I think it would benefit the entire Maine media community to understand the MFO budget.

When can we expect those figures?


From: Cameron Bonsey []
Sent: Tuesday, January 05, 2010 1:22 PM
To: 'Lea Girardin'; 'Richard Kane'; Louise Rosen (; Louise Rosen (
Subject: Tax Incentive, Budget and Commission info.


I pulled out the paper document that Greg Gadbury sent to me in early spring of 2007. I have replicated the headings and the first company listed, L.L. Bean.

You’ll notice that L.L. Bean’s production certificate date is 3-29-06. The current incentives did not pass until the 2006 Supplemental State Budget, Section GG-1, 5 MSRA S13090-L was passed later that spring. This would indicate that the LL. Bean projects would have occurred regardless of the incentives. At the point this report was sent to me the states liability for the LL Bean projects listed on the first line was $21,456.

Your note(Monday, January 04, 2010 2:28 PM) to me states that “As of May 21, 2009, 48 individual visual-media projects -- a mix of still photographic projects and television documentary films -- have used the Maine Attraction program”

We need this detailed information for each of those projects and for projects up to 12-31-09 in order to make some truly informed decisions in regard to the effectiveness of our current incentive plan and our potential future incentive plan.

I am happy to insist on this as part of the “Freedom of Information ACT”. It doesn’t seem to me that this type of information would have to be requested in that manner but if it is the only way for us to receive the information please let me know what the official process is.

In addition I have been trying since 7-31-09 to get a breakdown of the film office budget. What can I expect for a timeframe for that information?

In exchanges with Tiffany Bates in the Governor’s Office she tells me that the number and names of the Film Commissioners is different from what the FO has listed on the I have been trying to get that information since 12-18-09. When can I expect that follow up?

Yours truly,

Cameron Bonsey

From: Girardin, Lea []
Sent: Tuesday, January 05, 2010 2:06 PM
To: Cameron Bonsey
Cc:; Louise Rosen
Subject: RE: Tax Incentive, Budget and Commission info.


You do not need to go through an official process to get this information. I do need to clear it with the Deputy Commissioner of DECD and Office of Tourism and also run it by MRS. I am almost there and you should have what you want by the end of the day.
From: Cameron Bonsey []
Sent: Tuesday, January 05, 2010 2:49 PM
To: 'Girardin, Lea'
Cc: ''; 'Louise Rosen'
Subject: RE: Tax Incentive, Budget and Commission info.

Thank you. Say hi to Thaxter and Pat for me.

What about the film office budget and the film commissioners?

From: Girardin, Lea []
Sent: Wednesday, January 06, 2010 1:12 PM
To: Cameron Bonsey
Subject: FW: me_attraction_projects_ condensed.public.xls


Please find attached the listing of individual projects that have applied for the Maine film incentive. We do not know or have access to the actual incentive rebates issued by Maine Revenue Service.

From: Cameron Bonsey []
Sent: Wednesday, January 06, 2010 1:35 PM
To: 'Girardin, Lea'
Cc: ''; 'Louise Rosen'
Subject: RE: me_attraction_projects_ condensed.public.xls


Thank you for the follow up. I have my own thoughts about this list. I think we should create a dialogue, based on the list, as to the success of the current incentives and where we should proceed.

Louise and Dick please chime in.

Also, do we have the information in regard to the film office budget and the film commissions yet?


From: Girardin, Lea []
Sent: Wednesday, January 06, 2010 2:40 PM
To: Cameron Bonsey


The $15,359 in the personal services account is to cover worker’s unemployment.

The Maine Film Office no longer exists as a stand alone department. The MFO is part of the Office of Tourism and Film and is no longer supported by the General Fund but by Tourism’s dedicated revenue. The MFO now has one position for staff, and an operating budget of $29,000.00. Budget figures change in relation to the economic climate.
In regard to the BRED committee meeting: They will be resolving the proposed DECD bill to merge the Tourism and Film Commissions.

From: Cameron Bonsey []
Sent: Wednesday, January 06, 2010 2:53 PM
To: 'Girardin, Lea'
Cc: 'Richard Kane'; 'Louise Rosen'
Subject: RE:


Thank you again for the follow up. I’m looking for more of a breakdown and the total amount allocated for the film office portion of the tourism budget.. Something like this:
Personal Services-Perm. Classi
Current Expenses
Organizational Dues
Promotional - Marketing Expenses
In-State Travel Reimbursement
Contracts for program services

From: Cameron Bonsey []
Sent: Sunday, January 10, 2010 10:21 AM
To: 'Girardin, Lea'; 'Richard Kane'; Louise Rosen (; Louise Rosen (
Subject: Analysis of film credit projects

To all,

I took the spreadsheet that Lea sent and broke down the numbers and added sheets and columns to make it a little easier to understand so that we can begin to look at the impact of the current incentives and make some educated assumptions in regard to what additional incentives can do.

The first sheet shows that there were a total of 53 projects that applied for the tax credit. The projects were submitted by 5 companies. In alphabetical order those companies are Blair Schmidt productions, Compass Light, L.L. Bean Inc, Lonewolf Documentary Group and Post Office Editorial.

The totals for those projects were: Total direct spend $10,962,014, total direct spend in Maine $8,295,865, total certified wage $2,938,225, non-Mainer wages $73,196.25 , Mainer wages $2,865,029. Based on these numbers the tax credit liability totals $351,123 .

The quote from Governor Baldacci on the Maine Film Office webpage is:
“It is my pleasure to introduce you to the new Maine Attraction Film Incentive Plan. Maine is one of the most beautiful places in the country and is an ideal setting for many films. We believe this package of financial incentives will help you do business in Maine. Welcome to our state. We look forward to hosting your project.”

He seems to be speaking directly to out of state productions and yet the film incentives had a zero impact on attracting productions from out of state. Blair Schmidt is the only out of state company listed but there are zero’s in all the columns for spend.

Please take a look at the spreadsheet

What do these numbers tell us? Will increasing incentives by 4% actually increase productions and benefit all Mainers? Are there things that we can do in thinking outside of the box that will actually increase production? Should we have incentives at all?

There is a long list of questions that we need to answer and have an open dialogue on.

Dick and Louise,

It is troubling to me when getting very basic information from the film office takes months. You have both been cc’d in regard to exchanges for information on a breakdown of the film office budget (my first request was sent on 7-31-09) and the actual number of film commissioners (in a 12-18-09 note from Joe Boucher he indicated that Governor’s office listed more than the 6 listed on the FO website). From my perspective these are simple requests that should take very little time. As a Maine citizen I have a right to know these figures and I shouldn’t have to invest the enormous amount of personal time into acquiring this information.

What is the MFVA’s stance on these issues? If we can’t get basic information from the film office should we trust the process in regard to more complex issues and where we are headed in building the media community? The last total numbers that I received from the film office show an annual budget of $212,663 for 2010/11.

Since the last incentives passed we have spent approximately (06 through 09) $800,000 in operating the film office and another $350,000 in incentives for a total of $1,150,000 and an average of $287,500 per year. Can we use these numbers to negotiate grants or funding to go directly to some deserving Maine based projects?

I understand that I am the lone, consistent and public voice that keeps repeating that we can do things more effectively. Maybe I am simply insane. Maybe a public intervention is in order .

However, if my words and actions make sense, what are the ways that we can take action and make Maine a better place for visual media production in the years to come?

Yours truly,

Cameron Bonsey

Applying to become a Film Commissioner

From: Cameron Bonsey []
Sent: Thursday, September 03, 2009 7:43 AM
To: 'Girardin, Lea'; John Richardson (; Pat Eltman (
Subject: Film Commissioners

Lea, Pat and John,

Can you let me know when terms are up for the current commissioners and how long each one has served?

Members of the Maine State Film Commission
Member Title
Debra Lord Cooke SAG/AFTRA actor
Tom Craig Independent Film Producer
Stephanie V. Hart President, The Shamrock Group LLC
Brenda Jepson Media Production Educator, Independent Filmmaker
Donna McNeil, Ex Officio Director, Maine Arts Commission
Representative Hannah Pingree, Ex Officio Maine Legislature
Clare Tully Entertainment Law, Bernstein, Shur, Sawyer & Nelson

From: Girardin, Lea []
Sent: Thursday, September 03, 2009 9:19 AM
To: Cameron Bonsey; Richardson, John; Eltman, Pat
Subject: RE: Film Commissioners

Hello Cameron,

See information below regarding the Film Commission.

Wishing you a nice Labor Day Weekend,

From: Cameron Bonsey []
Sent: Wednesday, September 09, 2009 11:18 AM
To: 'Mary Nelson'; 'Thom Watson'
Subject: RE: Great Meeting with the UMO staff

Mary and Thom,

I’m just following up. See below. Do you know what the process is to become a film commissioner?

From: Thom Watson []
Sent: Wednesday, September 09, 2009 1:37 PM
To: 'Cameron Bonsey'
Subject: RE: Great Meeting with the UMO staff

Hello, Cameron –

Off the top of my head, I think I’d call Joe Bouchard on the Governor’s staff – 267-3533 – I worked with him once on another commission appointment, and at that time he was the Administration’s point man on such things.


From: Cameron Bonsey []
Sent: Wednesday, September 09, 2009 12:47 PM
To: 'Thom Watson'
Subject: RE: Great Meeting with the UMO staff


Thank you. I just tried the number and the phone company says it is a non-working number.


From: Thom Watson []
Sent: Wednesday, September 09, 2009 2:06 PM
To: 'Cameron Bonsey'
Subject: RE: Great Meeting with the UMO staff

It’s from an old note of mine – just call the Governor’s office and ask for the person in charge of Commission appointments – You’ll get a name, number and probably voice mail.


From: Cameron Bonsey []
Sent: Wednesday, September 09, 2009 1:11 PM
To: 'Thom Watson'
Subject: RE: Great Meeting with the UMO staff

Thank you.

From: Cameron Bonsey []
Sent: Wednesday, September 09, 2009 3:16 PM
To: ''
Subject: Film Commission


I’m interested in serving on the Film Commission. Can you explain the process?

Yours truly,

Cameron Bonsey
Falmouth, Maine

From: Mary Nelson []
Sent: Thursday, September 10, 2009 5:44 PM
To: Cameron Bonsey; 'Thom Watson'
Cc: Kenny Nelson
Subject: Re: Great Meeting with the UMO staff

I will try to find out for you, Cameron, and let you know.


From: Cameron Bonsey []
Sent: Thursday, September 10, 2009 7:55 PM
To: 'Mary Nelson'; 'Thom Watson'
Cc: 'Kenny Nelson'
Subject: RE: Great Meeting with the UMO staff


Thank you. I sent an email to Joe Boucher on the Governor’ staff requesting information on the process. My plan is to encourage others to go through the process too. We need the energy.

I saw you driving done Rt 88 as I running tonight. I’m sure you were off to another meeting. Thank you for the follow up.

We can make big things happen.


From: Cameron Bonsey []
Sent: Monday, September 14, 2009 6:08 AM
To: Boucher, Joe
Subject: RE: Film Commission

Just checking in

From: Boucher, Joe []
Sent: Wednesday, September 16, 2009 1:49 PM
To: Cameron Bonsey
Subject: RE: Film Commission

Cameron these are the forms I need you to return with a copy of your resume. We do need a hand signed copy of the Tax form in order for MRS to process it. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Joe Boucher
Director of Boards and Commissions

From: Cameron Bonsey []
Sent: Monday, November 16, 2009 12:58 PM
To: ''
Subject: Maine Film Commission

This is a post from my Maine Film Blog

Maine Film Commission
Today I faxed my application for gubernatorial appointment to Joe Boucher, Director of Boards and Commissions, Office of the Governor.

My hope is to be appointed to the Maine Film Commission and I would encourage those of you who are Maine residents, interested in helping to grow Maine’s media production economy to also apply.

According to Lea Girardin, the Director of the Maine Film Office, as of September 3rd, 2009 there were 6 members of the Maine Film Commission.

Member Title
Debra Lord Cooke SAG/AFTRA actor
Her term expires this November, she has served three terms.

Tom Craig Independent Film Producer
His term expires 11/2010, he has served one term.

Stephanie V. Hart President, The Shamrock Group LLC
Her term expires this November , she has served one term

Brenda Jepson Media Production Educator, Independent Filmmaker
Her term expires this November, she has served two terms

Donna McNeil,Ex Officio Director, Maine Arts Commission
As an Ex Officio member her term does not expire.

Representative Hannah Pingree, Ex Officio Maine Legislature
Hannah Pingree resigned when she assumed the duties of Speaker of the House.

Clare Tully Entertainment Law, Bernstein, Shur, Sawyer & Nelson
Her term expires this November, she has served one term.

According to the rules of the Maine Film Commision Part 3, Section 1 “The Commission shall consist of 11 members appointed by the governor. “

If everyone whose term expires in November is reappointed, there is still a need for 5 new members.

To apply contact:
Joe Boucher
Director of Boards and Commissions
Office of the Governor
1 State House Station
Augusta, ME 04333
207-287-3531 (P)
207-287-1034 (F)

Please don’t hesitate to apply. We need your voice.

From: Cameron Bonsey []
Sent: Wednesday, November 18, 2009 6:50 AM
To: ''
Subject: Application for Appointment


Can you confirm that you have received my paperwork?

From: Cameron Bonsey []
Sent: Monday, November 23, 2009 7:51 PM
To: ''
Subject: RE: Application for Appointment

Following up.

From: Boucher, Joe []
Sent: Tuesday, November 24, 2009 9:18 AM
To: Cameron Bonsey
Subject: RE: Application for Appointment

Sorry Cameron:

We have received your information, but have not made appointments yet. I’ll let you know if we do.

Joe Boucher

From: Cameron Bonsey []
Sent: Tuesday, November 24, 2009 11:40 AM
To: 'Boucher, Joe'
Subject: RE: Application for Appointment

Thanks . Can you give me a sense of the timeframe? According to the guidelines there are supposed to be 11 Film Commissioners. Currently there are only 6. You can check my blog for the information.

From: Cameron Bonsey []
Sent: Friday, December 18, 2009 7:51 AM
To: 'Boucher, Joe'
Subject: RE: Application for Appointment


Just following up. Isn’t there some type of timeframe? According to the rules of the Maine Film Commision Part 3, Section 1 “The Commission shall consist of 11 members appointed by the governor. “

As of November there were only 6. Does that make any difference?


From: Boucher, Joe []
Sent: Friday, December 18, 2009 8:13 AM
To: Cameron Bonsey
Cc: Bates, Tiffany
Subject: RE: Application for Appointment

Cameron I no longer work in the Governor’s office. Before I left I checked the database and the commission had more than 6 members so I am not sure where that # came from.

Tiffany Bates should be able to answer questions.

From: Cameron Bonsey []
Sent: Friday, December 18, 2009 8:25 AM
To: 'Boucher, Joe'
Cc: 'Bates, Tiffany'
Subject: RE: Application for Appointment


The number and information came directly from the film office.


From: Bates, Tiffany []
Sent: Friday, December 18, 2009 8:25 AM
To: Cameron Bonsey
Subject: RE: Application for Appointment


Thank you for your follow-up. You are correct; the Governor does have 11 appointments to the commission. Our listing does show more than 6 members are serving. Also, per Maine statute, members may serve past their term expiration date until reappointed or replaced by the Governor.

We do have your materials to be considered for appointment by the Governor. Timing for appointments varies greatly. I can tell you we still have application materials coming in for those interested in being considered. To that note, I will be in touch regarding the Governor’s appointments to the commission.

Thank you.

From: Cameron Bonsey []
Sent: Friday, December 18, 2009 8:28 AM
To: 'Bates, Tiffany'
Subject: RE: Application for Appointment


Please send me the names of the current commissioners. Apparently the film office website is not up to date.


From: Cameron Bonsey []
Sent: Friday, December 18, 2009 8:39 AM
To: 'Bates, Tiffany'
Subject: RE: Application for Appointment


Here is the list from the website as of this morning.

The Maine Film Office is a division of the Maine Office of Tourism and the Maine Department of Economic and Community Development. The film office helps bring film, television and other media projects to Maine; works to expand and improve Maine's in-state production industry; and helps all Maine made media productions succeed.

The film office is advised by the Maine State Film Commission, a board of volunteers appointed by the Governor of Maine.

The film office is also helped and advised by the Maine Film and Video Association, the state's trade group for the media production industry. For more information on MFVA, go to

Members of the Maine State Film Commission
Member Title
Debra Lord Cooke SAG/AFTRA actor
Tom Craig Independent Film Producer
Stephanie V. Hart President, The Shamrock Group LLC
Brenda Jepson Media Production Educator, Independent Filmmaker
Donna McNeil, Ex Officio Director, Maine Arts Commission
Representative Hannah Pingree, Ex Officio Maine Legislature
Clare Tully Entertainment Law, Bernstein, Shur, Sawyer & Nelson

From: Bates, Tiffany []
Sent: Friday, December 18, 2009 8:43 AM
To: Cameron Bonsey
Subject: RE: Application for Appointment


There is a possibility that some folks have resigned from the commission and our office has not yet been notified. I will be in touch with the film office and am happy to send you the current list. If the commission’s website is not current, I will ask them to update it.

Thank you.

From: Cameron Bonsey []
Sent: Tuesday, December 22, 2009 12:15 PM
To: 'Bates, Tiffany'
Subject: RE: Application for Appointment


I’m just following up trying to find out the names of the current film commissioners.


From: Bates, Tiffany []
Sent: Tuesday, December 22, 2009 12:44 PM
To: Cameron Bonsey
Subject: RE: Application for Appointment

Thanks for your follow-up. I have not yet received the listing. I will be sure to pass it on to you once I’ve gotten it.

Happy Holidays,

From: Cameron Bonsey []
Sent: Tuesday, December 29, 2009 8:18 AM
To: 'Bates, Tiffany'
Subject: RE: Application for Appointment


Any luck with the names and the numbers?


From: Bates, Tiffany []
Sent: Tuesday, December 29, 2009 9:36 AM
To: Cameron Bonsey
Subject: RE: Application for Appointment

Hi Cameron,

Unfortunately, not yet. This isn’t unusual, but I’ll get in touch again today.


From: Cameron Bonsey []
Sent: Wednesday, December 30, 2009 3:16 PM
To: 'Bates, Tiffany'
Subject: RE: Application for Appointment


I didn’t hear back from you yesterday. Here are the commissioners that are listed on the MFO website. Is this correct?

Members of the Maine State Film Commission
Member Title
Debra Lord Cooke SAG/AFTRA actor
Tom Craig Independent Film Producer
Stephanie V. Hart President, The Shamrock Group LLC
Brenda Jepson Media Production Educator, Independent Filmmaker
Donna McNeil, Ex Officio Director, Maine Arts Commission
Representative Hannah Pingree, Ex Officio Maine Legislature
Clare Tully Entertainment Law, Bernstein, Shur, Sawyer & Nelson

From: Bates, Tiffany []
Sent: Wednesday, December 30, 2009 3:23 PM
To: Cameron Bonsey
Subject: RE: Application for Appointment

Excuse me – I had meant I will get in touch with the Film office again (on the 29th). I did reach out - my contact is on vacation.

I will let you know when I hear from them.

Enjoy the holiday.

From: Cameron Bonsey []
Sent: Wednesday, December 30, 2009 3:27 PM
To: 'Bates, Tiffany'
Subject: RE: Application for Appointment

Have a good new year. I’ll be in touch.

From: Cameron Bonsey []
Sent: Tuesday, January 05, 2010 1:22 PM
To: 'Lea Girardin'; 'Richard Kane'; Louise Rosen (; Louise Rosen (
Subject: Tax Incentive, Budget and Commission info.


I pulled out the paper document that Greg Gadbury sent to me in early spring of 2007. I have replicated the headings and the first company listed, L.L. Bean.

You’ll notice that L.L. Bean’s production certificate date is 3-29-06. The current incentives did not pass until the 2006 Supplemental State Budget, Section GG-1, 5 MSRA S13090-L was passed later that spring. This would indicate that the LL. Bean projects would have occurred regardless of the incentives. At the point this report was sent to me the states liability for the LL Bean projects listed on the first line was $21,456.

Your note(Monday, January 04, 2010 2:28 PM) to me states that “As of May 21, 2009, 48 individual visual-media projects -- a mix of still photographic projects and television documentary films -- have used the Maine Attraction program”

We need this detailed information for each of those projects and for projects up to 12-31-09 in order to make some truly informed decisions in regard to the effectiveness of our current incentive plan and our potential future incentive plan.

I am happy to insist on this as part of the “Freedom of Information ACT”. It doesn’t seem to me that this type of information would have to be requested in that manner but if it is the only way for us to receive the information please let me know what the official process is.

In addition I have been trying since 7-31-09 to get a breakdown of the film office budget. What can I expect for a timeframe for that information?

In exchanges with Tiffany Bates in the Governor’s Office she tells me that the number and names of the Film Commissioners is different from what the FO has listed on the I have been trying to get that information since 12-18-09. When can I expect that follow up?

Yours truly,

Cameron Bonsey

From: Girardin, Lea []
Sent: Tuesday, January 05, 2010 2:06 PM
To: Cameron Bonsey
Cc:; Louise Rosen
Subject: RE: Tax Incentive, Budget and Commission info.


You do not need to go through an official process to get this information. I do need to clear it with the Deputy Commissioner of DECD and Office of Tourism and also run it by MRS. I am almost there and you should have what you want by the end of the day.
From: Cameron Bonsey []
Sent: Tuesday, January 05, 2010 2:49 PM
To: 'Girardin, Lea'
Cc: ''; 'Louise Rosen'
Subject: RE: Tax Incentive, Budget and Commission info.

Thank you. Say hi to Thaxter and Pat for me.

What about the film office budget and the film commissioners?

From: Girardin, Lea []
Sent: Wednesday, January 06, 2010 1:12 PM
To: Cameron Bonsey
Subject: FW: me_attraction_projects_ condensed.public.xls


Please find attached the listing of individual projects that have applied for the Maine film incentive. We do not know or have access to the actual incentive rebates issued by Maine Revenue Service.

From: Cameron Bonsey []
Sent: Wednesday, January 06, 2010 1:35 PM
To: 'Girardin, Lea'
Cc: ''; 'Louise Rosen'
Subject: RE: me_attraction_projects_ condensed.public.xls


Thank you for the follow up. I have my own thoughts about this list. I think we should create a dialogue, based on the list, as to the success of the current incentives and where we should proceed.

Louise and Dick please chime in.

Also, do we have the information in regard to the film office budget and the film commissions yet?


From: Cameron Bonsey []
Sent: Sunday, January 10, 2010 10:21 AM
To: 'Girardin, Lea'; 'Richard Kane'; Louise Rosen (; Louise Rosen (
Subject: Analysis of film credit projects

To all,

I took the spreadsheet that Lea sent and broke down the numbers and added sheets and columns to make it a little easier to understand so that we can begin to look at the impact of the current incentives and make some educated assumptions in regard to what additional incentives can do.

The first sheet shows that there were a total of 53 projects that applied for the tax credit. The projects were submitted by 5 companies. In alphabetical order those companies are Blair Schmidt productions, Compass Light, L.L. Bean Inc, Lonewolf Documentary Group and Post Office Editorial.

The totals for those projects were: Total direct spend $10,962,014, total direct spend in Maine $8,295,865, total certified wage $2,938,225, non-Mainer wages $73,196.25 , Mainer wages $2,865,029. Based on these numbers the tax credit liability totals $351,123 .

The quote from Governor Baldacci on the Maine Film Office webpage is:
“It is my pleasure to introduce you to the new Maine Attraction Film Incentive Plan. Maine is one of the most beautiful places in the country and is an ideal setting for many films. We believe this package of financial incentives will help you do business in Maine. Welcome to our state. We look forward to hosting your project.”

He seems to be speaking directly to out of state productions and yet the film incentives had a zero impact on attracting productions from out of state. Blair Schmidt is the only out of state company listed but there are zero’s in all the columns for spend.

Please take a look at the spreadsheet

What do these numbers tell us? Will increasing incentives by 4% actually increase productions and benefit all Mainers? Are there things that we can do in thinking outside of the box that will actually increase production? Should we have incentives at all?

There is a long list of questions that we need to answer and have an open dialogue on.

Dick and Louise,

It is troubling to me when getting very basic information from the film office takes months. You have both been cc’d in regard to exchanges for information on a breakdown of the film office budget (my first request was sent on 7-31-09) and the actual number of film commissioners (in a 12-18-09 note from Joe Boucher he indicated that Governor’s office listed more than the 6 listed on the FO website). From my perspective these are simple requests that should take very little time. As a Maine citizen I have a right to know these figures and I shouldn’t have to invest the enormous amount of personal time into acquiring this information.

What is the MFVA’s stance on these issues? If we can’t get basic information from the film office should we trust the process in regard to more complex issues and where we are headed in building the media community? The last total numbers that I received from the film office show an annual budget of $212,663 for 2010/11.

Since the last incentives passed we have spent approximately (06 through 09) $800,000 in operating the film office and another $350,000 in incentives for a total of $1,150,000 and an average of $287,500 per year. Can we use these numbers to negotiate grants or funding to go directly to some deserving Maine based projects?

I understand that I am the lone, consistent and public voice that keeps repeating that we can do things more effectively. Maybe I am simply insane. Maybe a public intervention is in order .

However, if my words and actions make sense, what are the ways that we can take action and make Maine a better place for visual media production in the years to come?

Yours truly,

Cameron Bonsey

From: Cameron Bonsey []
Sent: Sunday, January 17, 2010 3:54 PM
To: 'L Gary Knight'
Cc: ''; Karen TRUE
Subject: RE: FW: FW: Analysis of film credit projects


Thank you. I appreciate the follow up and the cc. I agree 100% that we should be putting money in the hands of local media producers. That is what we should be doing.

I am including Karen True in the email because I believe that she is meeting with Linda on this very subject.

There are many people who believe that we can do much more with a simple change in film office staffing. Other states do an outstanding job of keeping the visual media community involved and up to date. They have smaller budgets than and MFO and yet they constantly reach out with enewsletters, facebook, streaming video, updated websites and leadership.

I’ve tried to get the FO budget information since 7-31-09. It is amazing how difficult it has been and how many times I have kindly and consistently followed up.

I’ve applied to be a film commissioner. The governor’s office has a different list than the FO. I’ve been trying to find out that answer since 12-18-09. These are really easy questions that take no time to answer.

Read through We need to take care of our young people and inspire them. Ali is now working in LA and she loves it. Look at what the film office had to help her. It was worse than nothing. They were taking valuable website real estate to promote a program that didn’t exist. What would someone like Ali do without someone to advocate for her?

I literally have enough material to write a Stephen King sized book on this subject.

Let’s fix the system first and then work on how we distribute funds through that system.


From: Cameron Bonsey []
Sent: Wednesday, February 10, 2010 6:59 AM
To: 'Bates, Tiffany'
Subject: RE: Application for Appointment


I’m just following up. Has the film office gotten back to you in regard to the number of commissioners and who they are?


From: Bates, Tiffany []
Sent: Wednesday, February 10, 2010 10:12 AM
To: Cameron Bonsey
Subject: RE: Application for Appointment


I’ve just gotten this information from the Film Office. There are currently 6 of 11 serving. The Governor has not yet made appointments. We are still in the process. I have your application materials and will be in touch when appointments are made.

The current Film Commissioners are: Debra Lord Cooke
Clare Tully
Thomas Craig
Brenda Jepson
Donna McNeil
Thaxter Trafton or Brian Hodges representing DECD ex officio

Tiffany Bates
Director of Boards & Commissions
Office of the Governor

From: Cameron Bonsey []
Sent: Wednesday, February 10, 2010 12:24 PM
To: 'Bates, Tiffany'
Subject: RE: Application for Appointment

Thank you.